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Infographics seen as one of the best-in-breed Marketing Innovation solutions

Visual content is growing more and more popular in terms of Marketing Innovation. Graphic, photos, charts and graphs are gaining market place at an increasing rate. For instance, Facebook states that its platform experiences like 4 billion clicks each day on videos. Digital video does not represent the only visual vessel to reach consumers, there are also infographics.

People embrace infographics in their marketing strategy to deliver complex information in brief, visual pieces that are persuasive, engaging and user-friendly.  This approach has enabled marketers to increase traffic, backlinks, searches as well as viral searches. Infographics, if smartly use, turn to be a powerful tool to grow consumer engagement while enabling them to absorb information in their own way.

Below are core reasons why infographics is still seen as an effective marketing tool, and show be a key component of your Marketing Innovation strategy:

Infographics is a powerful tool for brand promotion displaying your brand to an audience which tends to become more familiar with. Infographs stand as a significant website traffic generator on top of being a vital component of Social Media Optimization. Publishing infographics on social media sites like Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, attract more followers. Social media generates lots of daily feeds.

Visuals have proven to be memorable. 90% of information that reaches the brain is visual. Increase your chances of being recalled by including in your infographs, visual content like clipart, charts, graphs and regular photographs are all acceptable visual elements to include in your infographs.  Do not hesitate to add some fun to them through text style, size and color.

Infographics are easily readable and are more likely to grab readers’ attention as they tend to break up elements in a user-friend, easy-to-read, ludic and funny manner.

People are searching for infographics. In April 2015 alone, as reported by Google the term ‘infographics’ has been searched for more than 62 million times. They are so popular! So why not provide people with what they are looking for?

People show a definite preference for infographics as opposed to text. According to OneSpot, that infographs are 30 times more likely to be read than the same information in text format: so, 30 times more reasons to adopt infographs to publish your information.

Being eye-catching, Infographics are more fun to share. Consider for a minute the brand visibility that viral infographics can make you experience. This powerful innovative marketing tool stands as an excellent medium to positively boost the opinion your customers have about you.

Convinced? Interested in create your own infographics? Visit the following sites: Slideshare, Piktochart, Google Fonts,,
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